
Anyone interested in Buddhism is welcome to join our Sunday services and activities as a visitor. With a regular membership, you become a member of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist community and gain access to many of the services provided by the San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple (SFVHBT) and the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA).

Buddhist education seminars and conferences are held throughout the year by the temple, Southern District, and BCA, which are subsidized or complimentary for members. Membership also includes subscriptions to our bi-monthly Temple Times newsletter and BCA’s monthly Wheel of Dharma newsletter.

Membership Dues for 2025

It’s easy to join or renew!

All donations are securely processed by PayPal. We only receive your name, membership type, and donation amount. On the donation form, select “Share my mailing address” to include your contact information, so we may update our member lists. PayPal will e-mail you a donation receipt to confirm your payment.

Family Membership: $400

Family members up to 25 years of age are included in a family membership. Children of paid members may participate in Dharma School, Sangha Teens, and Junior Young Buddhists Association (Jr. YBA) without paying additional dues.

Click the Donate button to confirm Family Membership with credit card or PayPal account.

Individual Membership: $250

Click the Donate button to confirm Individual Membership with credit card or PayPal account.

Student Membership: $25

For students under 25 years of age whose parents are not members of SFVHBT. If you are a college student who lives or studies near SFVHBT, or a high school student who would like to join Jr. YBA, this membership is for you. Siblings may now join for $0/year.

Click the Donate button to confirm Student Membership with credit card or PayPal account.

Sustaining Membership

For those who wish to further sustain the temple, a membership pledge in any amount over the above dues will be received with great gratitude. Please include the dues in the total amount donated (e.g. if you wish to donate $100 above a family membership, enter $510 total during checkout).

Click the Donate button to confirm Sustaining Membership with credit card or PayPal account.

Donations by Check

If you prefer to use a check, please include your current contact information or complete a membership form, available at the temple or mailed to renewing members each January.  Installment payment of dues is acceptable and welcome.

Online payment includes PayPal transaction fees. For payment by check, dues are: Family $400, Individual $250, Student $25.

To send dues or donations by check, please mail to:

San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
9450 Remick Avenue
Pacoima, CA 91331