One Together
Minister’s Message
One Together
If you look at the January issue of the BCA’s Wheel of Dharma, you can read the New Year’s Greeting from Monshu Koshin Ohtani, the head abbot of our organization, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha, in Kyoto. …
Minister’s Message
One Together
If you look at the January issue of the BCA’s Wheel of Dharma, you can read the New Year’s Greeting from Monshu Koshin Ohtani, the head abbot of our organization, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha, in Kyoto. …
Minister’s Message
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving Day means different things to different people. For some, it means family gatherings, turkey dinner and the start of the holiday season. Some people look forward to bargain shopping around this time. For others, it’s …
It Takes Infinite Life
We’ve embarked upon graduation season. Certificates and diplomas are conferred upon students of all ages to mark accomplishments, completions, and moving on. Commencement is a good word for the process because it signals new beginnings and …
Extraordinary Now*
Think, speak and act, then, always in the eternal now with compassion and understanding for your own enlightenment and for the enlightenment of all sentient beings.
Rev. Kenryu Tsuji, “Eternal Now” from The Heart of the Buddha-Dharma, pp. …
This year got off to a memorable start for my husband and me. Or rather, 2011 ended on a “sour” note following our respective New Year’s Eve services, for we were both stricken with a mysterious stomach …
…My life is fleeting and finite and I do not know with certitude what tomorrow has in store for me. But in the transitory boundaries of my existence is the timeless flow of Amida’s life. In the finite sound of